What is the Compass Course by Ali (Student Spotlight)
Student Spotlight, Ali |15.06.2021
** The following is a blog post kindly written by a recent graduate of our Compass Course – Ali Kahla**

What is the Digital Job Compass Course?
It’s a one-month technical training program that provides an introduction to some of the most in demand tech jobs. It requires no need for previous knowledge and introduces you to the following topics & then their partner bootcamps where you can study them;
- UX/UI Design
- Online Marketing
- Web Development
- Soft Skills/Project Management
- Data Science
For each of these career areas the previews were as follows:
1- What is?
2- How to?
3- Action – try it out!
You might think while reading this is that “Wow. That escalated quickly!”
Well, no it didn’t. Because one of the main purposes of this course is showing you the importance of taking the first move as soon as possible, see yourself how capable you are, and the skills that you have but not aware of.
Example of our daily schedules:
The day starts at 9:30 and ends at 16:30 with a quick break approximately every 90 minutes, this could be more depending on tasks and needs because “productivity is number 1 priority”. My personal favourite is the 1-hour lunch break because it’s the time when I take my fluffy friend on his daily walk.

Also, as a person with prior knowledge of some of the topics covered in this course, I have discovered a lot of new tools, skills, and refined the skills that I already have. And all of that was done online!
The only things that were needed were:
– A laptop (although they do supply one if needed)
– A daily cup of coffee

Ali’s home study environment.
My Final Conclusion:
It’s a short-term experience with great benefits! I saw it as an opportunity to meet professionals from within the tech labor market. By the end of the course, you will have a permanent trusted guidance path provided by the professional trainers and the people in charge of this course and according to my experience they were really friendly and I got all of my questions answered. It is also a great opportunity to meet many ambitious friends who might become your colleagues one day.
Give it a try!